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Are Online Copywriting Courses Worth it?

So, you want to be a copywriter? Taking an online course can be a great investment in your career and education path. Especially if you aren't sure where to start and need a boost of self-confidence or the opportunity to work at your own pace. Personally, course brochures and prospectuses are my weakness. I'm drawn to them like a moth to a flame. Or an over-eager student to an essay question.

Learning in your own time in your own space

This type of learning works for me way better than higher education. I work well solo and enjoy self-paced learning, but also feel connected to other students and how that social interaction when I need it.  

Watching tutorials and being part of an online student community suits me well and having a dedicated tutor to provide some much-needed structure has been a massive benefit.  I've completed a few distance learning courses and thoroughly enjoyed each of them.

So, if you are thinking about progressing in your copywriting journey, the question is – would this type of distance learning work for you and help you achieve your career goals?

To help you make your decision, read on for some of the benefits and drawbacks of an online copywriting course.

Kick back and start learning in the comfort of your own home.

Benefits of Online Learning

·       Self-paced learning

Knowing that you can learn at your own pace without any pressure, is a huge selling point for distance learning courses. Study becomes enjoyable when you have access to the knowledge but there aren't any scary deadlines looming. And you can work out a customised study support plan to help with time management and make sure that you are working at a pace that suits you.

·       Easy-to-understand content

You don't have to worry if the last time you studied was before mobile phones – online learning is very beginner-friendly and you get a ton of support.

Information is explained through interactive learning to keep the content fresh and engaging. You will learn how to write and develop effective copy for a wide range of industries – from digital ads to social media and SEO copywriting.

·       Confidence-building

Online courses can be great confidence-builders as they encourage you to work on your existing writing skills. You will only ever get constructive criticism through these teaching methods and from writers who have been where you are and understand the challenges you face.

Relax and expand your knowledge

·       Becoming part of a writing community

Just because you won't be in a physical classroom with other learners, doesn't mean that you will be isolated and lose out on opportunities for collaboration.

When you sign up for an online copywriting course or any type of remote learning, you are immediately part of a group of like-minded people who are all there to support each other. You can expect to be encouraged and inspired by others in your course and be able to connect and do the same for them.

·       Build a solid portfolio

It's hard to get your first online copywriting job when you can't showcase your writing knowledge or skills to potential clients. That's where a remote learning copywriting course is extremely helpful. Every assignment that you write can be added to your portfolio, creating an impressive selection of your work and your resources to show what you can do.

·       Gain invaluable advice

Finding paid work as an aspiring copywriter can be a challenge when you don't know where to start. But a good copywriting course will take your concerns away and give you the support you need to find that first client.

Most copywriting courses will include a module solely focused on finding paid work, whether in-house or as a freelancer.

As helpful as online courses can be, some people find that there are certain drawbacks to studying an online copywriting course. Many people prefer the face-to-face approach of traditional learning although this could just be a personal preference, rather than an actual disadvantage.

Let's have a look at some of the drawbacks of an online copywriting course.

Share your knowledge and experience with other learners

Drawbacks of an Online Course

·       Struggles with the learning environment

Everyone has their own unique learning style. Some learners like reading textbooks, while others are more visual learners and enjoy access to PowerPoint or video tutorials.

But there are those who need to learn using face-to-face classes and are much more engaged with others. If you are one of these learners, access to distance learning using technology could be a struggle for you.

·       Some online courses have no certification

If you are studying towards the end goal of a certificate, then you should do your research carefully. Not all copywriting courses or online teaching methods are accredited by a governing body, so you need to decide if this is important to you.

Certification can be a positive thing to achieve but as the quality of your writing is more valuable than whether you have a certificate – this may not be a dealbreaker.

Work in your own time at your own pace


When it comes to finding a course to suit you, it won't be a surprise that you may have to fund it yourself. If you are serious about this career path, investing in this teaching is to be expected.

But this is obviously in an ideal world and you might not have the disposable income to invest in a course. Of course, Google will always find you a free copywriting course but you need to make sure it is a reputable course before you spend your time and efforts on it.

·      Practice makes perfect

For those who aren't the biggest fans of copywriting courses, just getting on with the writing is the better option. Their outlook is practice, practice, practice. Whether it's articles, blog or social media posts, adverts or otherwise – working on the widest range of writing makes more sense than limiting yourself to course assignments.

This, of course, depends on the type of course, as some are very comprehensive and wide-ranging with their assignment subjects.

Practice makes perfect

 So, in conclusion…

Don't be put off by the idea that online courses aren't worth it. Depending on the content, they can be extremely helpful and great at guiding you through the learning process.

And if you study with The Comprehensive Copywriting Academy, the quality assignments, feedback and support will help gain that all-important self-confidence and get your first paid jobs faster.

Under the expert guidance of a highly experienced Copy Coach, you will join the thousands of students that CCA have carefully trained to become exceptional copywriters.

The feedback is second to none with two monthly coaching calls, as well as daily support from your coach. Being able to use CCA resources doesn't end when you finish the course – you have lifetime access to everything you could possibly need to build a very successful career.

So, what are you waiting for?