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Can AI Help Copywriters?

The introduction of numerous AI tools has been daunting for everyone. We’re all sitting here thinking our jobs are going to be taken over by robots. Well, the good news is, it’s really not as bad as it seems.

AI can actually be a valuable tool for copywriters. It offers various ways to streamline and enhance your working processes and can actually make your work sell better than it did before. We just need to learn to adapt and change our craft to fit with the new advances in technology.

First though, you need to harness the benefits of AI and use them to your advantage. Here are some of the ways that you can make AI work for you:

Use the power of AI to your advantage

Content Generation

AI can help you to structure your content easily and give you the basis to create blog posts, social media content and copy on a range of topics that you don’t have masses of experience in.

This avoids the need for lots of indepth research as you can move forward with the content based on the framework given by AI.

It allows you to speed up the writing process and provide a faster turnaround time to your clients.

Grammar & Style Checking

As a professional copywriter, it’s important that all of your copy and content makes sense and is grammatically correct. If there are mistakes or errors in your copy, your clients might feel short changed and you risk your reputation.

AI comes in many forms and there are lots of applications that can now find mistakes in your copy or suggest better ways of writing things which you might feel are more appropriate.


SEO is one of the top priorities of many businesses today. With the increase of online shopping and services offering remote options, it’s essential that businesses appear higher up in the search engine rankings in order to pull in customers.

Having the right keywords in your copy is one of the biggest factors in getting your content in front of your audience.

The first thing you need to think about is what your potential audience will search for if they’re looking for your copy. Then derive keywords from here. It can be a tricky process and can take months of research or lots of money to understand the exact keywords that are going to be most beneficial for your web pages. Unless… you type your article headings into an AI platform and ask it for the right keywords relevant to the topic.

Lots of AI platforms will find the keywords for you, meaning your content will automatically rank higher in search engine results pages, just because you have the keywords that everyone wants to see based on up to date information.

Do more for your business with AI

Content Ideation

Ever struggled with creating relevant content that you know people want to see? Ever had a client that wanted a specific piece of copy that you know probably won’t get the traffic they’re expecting?

Well, AI can solve those problems for you. AI understands the current ‘lay of the land’ and will suggest trending topics that have a higher conversion rate. This means that you can not only suggest the best subjects for your clients, but also show them exactly why they should head in that direction.

A/B Testing

AI-powered tools can assist copywriters in conducting A/B tests for different variations of their copy. These tests help determine which version performs better and resonates more with the audience, enabling copywriters to optimise their content accordingly.

Social Media Management

Social media is a huge part of any copywriter’s role. It’s also one of the main ways that your clients will grab the attention of their audience. Due to the sheer number of platforms and varied ways of posting and advertising content, it can also be one of the most time consuming elements of the job role.

The good news is that AI can now schedule and manage your content for you. Some of the most sophisticated AI systems can now take away all of the headache, monitor your analytics and create consistent social media content for you.

Use ChatGPT as a step towards excellence

Language Translation

Working with clients for different cultural backgrounds can be challenging. But AI can actually make this work much easier from both perspectives. Selecting certain AI platforms can allow you to convert your copy accurately and efficiently into different languages so that you have more global reach and can satisfy customers from all cultures and backgrounds.

Market Research and Sentiment Analysis

Making the perfect copy means tracking the feedback and sentiments of the audience that you’re aiming at.

AI can track your performance for each post, article or product description and help you to understand what sells well. This can make your journey much easier and assist you in tailoring the content in the future.

Are There Any Downsides to Using AI?

As with anything, there are a few things to watch out for when using AI to ensure you really get the most out of your technology.

Tone & Brand Value Matching

AI is great at providing content to suit the industry niche. However, it will provide information in a generic style and it’s difficult to match brand guidelines exactly, even with the most specific prompts.

Human-generated content written by copywriters can be tailored to match the exact tone and brand values laid out by the business. This gives any copy a unique edge to attract more customers and gain buy-in and trust from the audience. 

Create fantastic for your clients faster than ever before

Marketing Strategy Construction

AI is a great way to create standalone articles or copy. However, if you’re aiming for a longer term strategy, an AI generator may not be able to maintain the same tone of voice throughout and you could also find it difficult to convey the same message throughout all of the different pieces of copy that you need.

When you create content from scratch, you can talk to the organisation and really understand their long-term goals, customer journey and audience expectations to develop hard hitting copy that pulls in customers and directs them to the right place.

Human-Generated Content Requirements

While AI does undoubtedly have its uses, there can be restrictions on where it’s able to be used. Certain clients will use an AI detector to check whether your content is human-generated.

This is because they need to see that the content is unique and personable. If your content is generated by AI, it may not be accepted.


One of the biggest problems with using AI at the moment is that you can’t 100% guarantee that the information you pull from AI is correct.

AI pulls information from the internet. This means that any incorrect info that your bot picks up can be replicated to show incorrect facts in your content.

AI generally tries to boost the content to make it more appealing to an audience too. That’s sometimes great for copy as it makes it more appealing. However, it may try to embellish on facts to make the audience want to read further. This can mean that your AI content provides content that isn’t factually correct and can cause issues for your client.

Using AI to Build Your Business

AI can be a valuable asset to copywriters and content writers, so the introduction of these platforms really isn’t the end of the world.

It’s important that we embrace the power of AI to complement our writing skills. Working together with AI can actually help copywriters to hone their skills and harness their creativity in new ways to scale a business with less time and effort.

The greatest lesson to learn is to not fight against AI. Instead, use it to your advantage and explain some of these vital benefits to your clients to grow your own customer base.

If you’d like to learn a little more about how AI platforms like ChatGPT can help you, there are some excellent resources, just like this one, available on Kindle or audiobook.