Lyons Tales Editing

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Edit Like an Expert – Elevate Your Writing with Professional Techniques

The life of a copywriter isn’t all about crafting snazzy headlines and persuasive copy. Sometimes, you've got to roll up your sleeves and explore the world of editing. But you don't need a red pen-wielding editor lurking over your shoulder to make your writing sparkle.

With some professional techniques, you can edit like an expert and elevate your writing to the next level. Let's break down some tricks of the editing trade.

Learning to edit well can be one of your biggest assets in your own writing.

1. The First Cut is the Deepest

So, you’ve written a punchy article with an engaging tone and plenty of factual info to draw your reader in. Or have you? It’s a good thing you’ve reached the editing stage to polish and tweak your masterpiece. But how do you start?

A bit unorthodox, but I usually begin with a break! I pour myself a well-needed cup of tea and have a read-through of my writing. And as tempting as it is to nitpick over commas, don’t get confused between proofreading and editing at this point. Leave your proofreader hat aside and focus on the general first impression for your reader.

This first overview is all about getting a feel for the flow and structure. Ask yourself, does it make sense? Is it as engaging as a thriller novel or as dry as a history textbook? Be honest with yourself, have another cup of caffeine and make notes on areas that might need a little more pizzazz or clarity.

2. Cutting the Fluff

Then it’s time to get down to business. This can be difficult as you might have to be ruthless with all those lovely adjectives and adverbs that you thought added a poetic flair. Read from the viewpoint of your prospective audience and try not to be too territorial over those turns of phrase you’re so proud of.

I find that detaching myself from my writing is definitely challenging, but it helps to edit more clearly – and leaves me with sharper and more effective content.

So, remember, if particular words aren’t serving a purpose, they've got to go. Keep it crisp, clean and straightforward. In the world of copywriting, less is often more.

Read and read some more. Editing comes easier to people who understand how good writing works.

3. Consistency is Key

Consistency in your writing is like having a well-organised sock drawer – it's incredibly satisfying. Ensure that your tone, tense and voice are consistent throughout.

Are you writing in the first person in one paragraph and suddenly switching to third person in another? It is very easily done. I once changed the name of a business halfway through an article – not ideal when trying to sell their services and products.

Or are you starting off formal and then sliding into slang? Keep it uniform to avoid confusing your reader or selling the wrong product to the wrong website. You get me?

4. The Devil’s in the Details

If you’re anything like me and correcting grammar and punctuation could be listed as one of your hobbies, this is the best part. Time to get to the nitty-gritty.

Misplaced commas, their/there/they’re errors and sentence fragments can sneak in and undermine your writing credibility. Tools like Grammarly or Hemingway Editor can be lifesavers here. But don't rely on them blindly, your human judgment is irreplaceable.

5. The Sound Test

Next it’s time to channel your inner Shakespeare and read your writing out loud! You might feel like you're auditioning for a one-person show, but trust me, it's pure editing gold. Does it sound like a smooth conversation or more like a tongue-twister challenge?

Let your ears be the judge. By giving your words the sound test, you can catch those sneaky awkward phrases and never-ending sentences that your eyes might have casually strolled past. Plus, it's a great way to practice your dramatic reading skills – who knows when that'll come in handy!

6. Fresh Eyes

Sometimes the best editing technique is to… well, not edit. Step away from your work for a bit – grab a coffee, walk your dog, watch some Netflix or enjoy a few hours pinning puppy pictures on Pinterest (try saying that 7 times fast!).   

Coming back with fresh eyes can make a world of difference. You'll see mistakes that you didn't see before and find new ways to enhance your writing.

7. The Final Polish

The final polish is all about your word choice and flow. This is where you can relax a bit more and get creative again.

Make sure that your sentences and paragraphs make sense and don’t read like a piece of paper that’s been ripped up and taped back together again. It should all flow like a gentle stream, not like a series of disconnected puddles.

Look for opportunities to replace those boring, mundane words with more dynamic ones. For example, instead of the usual, "This coffee machine is easy to use," how about jazzing it up to, "Unleash your inner barista with the one-touch wonder of our user-friendly espresso genie!"

Now that's a sentence that not only informs but also entertains!

Be critical of yourself and always welcome feedback.

8. Feedback Time

If you can bear for someone to cast a critical eye over your work, get someone else to read it. Another set of eyes can offer a fresh perspective and catch things you might have missed. They don’t have to be a professional editor – just someone whose opinion you trust.

And be open to their feedback with open ears and a smile on your face – even if it means going back to the drawing board.

9. The Reality Check

Before you declare your writing finished, do a final reality check. Does your work meet the objectives? If it’s copywriting, does it sell, inform, or persuade the way you wanted?

Remember, while you're weaving those beautiful words together, they need to do more than just look pretty on the page. They should work hard, like tiny salespeople, convincing and converting with every syllable.

Ready to edit like a pro?

With these techniques in your toolkit, you can ensure that your writing isn’t just good, it’s great! Remember, the best writers are also savvy editors.

Explore great online courses like the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy and learn from experienced pros at your own pace. They offer easy-to-follow and flexible classes that can inspire you to embrace the challenge of editing. Then all you need to do is watch as your writing transforms from good to absolutely fabulous.