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How to Handle Negative Feedback

So, you've put your heart and soul into crafting that perfect piece of copy. You've danced with words, juggled metaphors, and sprinkled that hint of magic that only you can bring. But then, out of the blue, bam! Negative feedback hits you like a rogue wave. That client that you felt you’d developed a great relationship with suddenly tells you that all your hard work and dedication has met their expectations. 

Well, fear not, because every copywriter worth their salt has been there. The truth is, your critics haven’t been in your shoes, they haven’t done the training you have and they don’t have the copywriting experience either. While they might disagree with the way you’ve written your copy, they may not understand the nuances of your craft and the reasons that you’ve created it that way. 

But negative feedback is sometimes unavoidable. It’s part of our job as professional writers and content creators, so I'm here to spill the beans on how to handle that less-than-glowing critique.

Stay strong and keep positive

  1. Keep Your Confidence

First things first, don't let that criticism sucker-punch your confidence. It's okay to feel a tad deflated, but don't spiral into a pit of despair. That’s what I did on the first few occasions, and, believe me, it can take a while to get back up and dust yourself off. 

When you receive the feedback, step away from your screen, take a walk, brew yourself a cuppa, or hug your furbaby. The idea is to create some distance between you and the negative vibes so you can approach the feedback with a clearer head.

2.  Embrace the Learning 

Negative feedback might sting, but guess what? It's your golden ticket to the learning zone. Think of it as a chance to grow and improve your craft. Nobody's born a word-wizard, and even the greats have faced their fair share of criticism. 

Take a deep breath, chin up, and ask yourself: What can I learn from this? Maybe it's a fresh perspective, a different tone, or even a way to make your message pop even more.

Use constructive criticism to hone your craft

3. Read Through the Feedback 

Alright, it's time to don your detective hat and delve into the feedback. Not all negative feedback is created equal. Some might be a bit vague, like “I don't like it,” while others might be as specific as “The tone feels too formal for our brand.” 

The key here is to identify the constructive nuggets. Look for patterns – are multiple people pointing out the same issue? That's your clue, dear Watson!

For those that leave really vague feedback, it may even be a good idea to ask them for specifics to help you understand how you can improve in the future. 

4. Don't Take it Personally 

Remember, the feedback isn't a personal attack on you. So, avoid spiraling into self-doubt or launching into a battle of wits. 

Instead, remind yourself that you're a pro who's committed to crafting copy that sings. Take a deep breath, let those negative vibes flutter away, and focus on the task at hand: making your copy shine.

Discuss the issues and ask for clarification so you can improve

5. Ask for Clarification

You've read through the feedback and still find yourself a bit lost? It's okay to ask for clarifications. Sometimes, the initial feedback might be a tad cryptic, but a simple “Could you elaborate on what specifically didn't resonate with you?” can do wonders. It shows you're receptive and genuinely want to improve.

6. Channel Your Inner Problem-Solver

Now that you've gathered the feedback gems, you need to uncover how to address those concerns while staying true to your creativity. This is where your copywriting prowess really comes into play. Tweak, twist, and twirl your words until they match the vision you have in your head while also addressing the feedback. 

7. Collaborate and Conquer

If the feedback is coming from a client or a team, remember, they're on the same mission as you: to create impactful, mind-blowing copy. So, have a chat, bounce ideas, and find that sweet spot where your words meet their expectations. Collaboration doesn't mean you're giving up your creative throne – it means you're crafting something even more epic together.

8. Sleep on It

Remember that saying, “Don't make permanent decisions on temporary feelings?” Well, it applies here too. Once you've reworked your copy, give it a little space. Let it simmer overnight. When you revisit it the next day, you'll have a fresher perspective. You might even find a few more tweaks that'll take your copy from good to jaw-droppingly fantastic.

Work together to achieve great things

9. Build a Resilience Shield

Negative feedback is like a pesky mosquito – it'll keep buzzing around. You just need to build up some resilience by celebrating your successes, no matter how small. 

Remember that glowing feedback you received last month? That's the stuff! Surround yourself with positive vibes and your own achievements, so the negative noise doesn't get to you.

10. Just Keep Going

Look, handling negative feedback is a skill that takes time to hone. Each critique is a stepping stone to becoming a better, fiercer, more fabulous copywriter. So, keep your chin up, your keyboard clacking, and your creative spirit unshaken. You've got this!

In the wild world of words, negative feedback is just another chapter. With these tips up your sleeve, you'll not only survive but thrive, turning criticism into your very own superpower. 

For more amazing tips from real-life professionals, take a look at this advice from the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy. This team of highly skilled writers is well-versed in the ups and downs of negative feedback and knows exactly how to recover and move forward.