Business Copywriting

Internal copywriting encompasses various types of content created within businesses for internal purposes. One common type is employee communication, which includes emails, newsletters, and intranet articles aimed at keeping employees informed about company news, updates, policies, and events.

Internal training materials are another essential form of business copywriting, providing instructional content such as manuals, guides, and presentations to educate employees on processes, procedures, and skills development.

Company-wide announcements are also part of business copywriting, ensuring important messages are effectively communicated to all employees.

Additionally, internal copywriting for small businesses can involve crafting employee handbooks, policies and procedures documents, and internal branding materials, ensuring consistent messaging and fostering a sense of belonging within the organisation.

content writing for small businesses

Copywriting Services for Small Businesses

Copywriting services for small businesses can greatly assist with internal business communication by leveraging their expertise in crafting clear, concise, and engaging content.

Business copywriting services will make it their job to get to know your employees, understand your company culture and gather together your message in order to create exciting communications that people are guaranteed to want to read.

Engaging content can also grow your business, with insightful development plans and attractive job adverts and recruitment plans.

If you can’t see the wood for the trees and need some guidance and support with internal communications, then our business copywriting services could be your saviour. We can even suggest blog topics and invite your valued employees to join us on the journey, sharing their experiences and views to generate a fun and supportive working community.

local business copywriting

Business Copywriting Services to Build Your Brand

Business copywriting services, like Lyons Tales Editing, also have extensive knowledge on how businesses change and develop and can help you generate project plans and business proposals to gain buy-in and funding from potential partners and stakeholders.

Here at Lyons Tales Editing Ltd, we have a huge amount of experience in management and leadership and the development of new contracts gained from our valued team. We can assist in writing bids, contracts or just developing a business proposal to help you gain access to those essential funds that you need to grow, innovate or change.

No business owner can reach the top on their own, so copywriting for local businesses is a great idea to increase your network and grow your reach across your customer base. You can reach out to those local businesses that could work in partnership with yours perfectly, doubling the amount of customers and speeding up the success that both businesses experience. We’re here to help you create those initial packs to reach out to potential partners, sharing your benefits and your vision for a shared future.

Copywriting for Small Businesses to Showcase Your Services

It’s not just internal communication that matters. To grow your business and reach out to your potential customer base, you’ll need to get your name out there by answering those burning questions that your target audience has regarding your subject area.

Content writing for small businesses is a great idea to answer your customers’ questions and direct them to your website or contact information. Googling is now the most popular way to find out the answer to a question and you’re here to answer it. A short, conversational blog will help to give understanding about a subject area and drive traffic to your site by ranking on Google as a reliable source.

You know your topics best, so speaking to a content creator will help you to put your knowledge ‘on paper’ and shout about your skills and expertise across the internet.

If you’d like help to make your internal comms exciting, or some support in crafting B2B strategies, contact our experienced team now or take a look at our prices for a more ‘out of the box’ solution.