Copywriting Challenges: Staying Creative and Consistent

In the world of copywriting, it’s important to find your inner wordsmith. That voice within you that can weave a spell of words, in order to communicate and connect with others.

So, how do you find those perfect words that suit the brand you’re writing for? There’s no ‘one formula fits all’ when crafting excellently written copy, but if you focus on creativity and consistency, you can’t go far wrong.

When you create copy, you are tapping into your creativity, communication skills and understanding of your audience. And as it's about crafting messages that resonate, compel and engage, you need to hone your skills in making a connection.

So, to become a skilled copywriter, several key abilities and insights are pretty essential. Let’s have a look at them in more detail.


copywriting challenges

Copywriting can be challenging, but don’t give up. It can be just as rewarding.

1. Understand your audience

The heart of great copy is a deep understanding of who you are writing for. It’s like being a mind reader– you've got to know exactly what your audience is thinking.  Their needs, desires, preferences and pain points should guide your words.

It's about tuning into their wavelength, whether they're latte-sipping millennials or crossword-loving retirees. So, put on your detective hat, learn their secret handshake and speak their language. When you do, this connection is what will turn ordinary words into compelling communication.


2. Clarity is king

In the copywriting kingdom, being clear is king, queen and the court jester all rolled into one. Your message should be clear and straightforward, so ditch the jargon and overly complex language. This is only likely to confuse or alienate your reader and create a chasm between you -  like a chef serving a gourmet meal to someone craving a simple sandwich.  Remember, the goal is to communicate, not to impress with your vocabulary.


3. Embrace brevity

‘Brevity is the soul of wit,’ said some wise person once, and nowhere is this truer than in the zany world of copywriting. Attention spans today are as short as a goldfish’s memory on a busy day. So, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to pack a punch with as few words as possible.

This might not come naturally to you and so you will have to leave some words on the cutting room floor – especially if you find yourself with a rather lengthy prose.


copywriting for beginners

Understanding your audience is the key to good copy.

4. Tell a story

Just like our brains are hardwired to crave stories, they are the secret sauce in the world of copywriting. They help ideas stick in our minds and make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside. A good story in your copy is like adding a plot twist to a soap opera; it hooks your audience, tugs at their heartstrings and makes your message stick.


5. Highlight the perks

When you're talking up a product or service, it's less about rattling off features like a robot and more about showcasing how it'll jazz up someone's life. People get more excited about how a product can turn their every day into a parade of convenience, not so much about the nuts and bolts.

It’s like describing a coffee maker; it's less about the 12-cup capacity and more about how it turns them into a morning person without the grumpiness. Your goal? Paint a picture of the life upgrades your product brings – a life with more laughs, less hassle and maybe even a bit of magic.


7. Edit ruthlessly

Good writing is as much about editing as it is about writing. Be prepared to cut, rewrite and refine your copy. Sometimes what you leave out is just as important as what you include. It’s a good idea to get a bit more thick-skinned over your writing. That way you can remove chunks of prose if you need too, without breaking down into a weeping mess.


copywriting tips

Put yourself in your customer’s shoes - that’s the only way you’ll know if your copy will sell.

8. Practice, practice and practice again…

Like any skill, copywriting improves with practice. You wouldn't expect to nail a perfect yoga pose on the first try unless you're a secret yogi master – so keep bending and flexing those words until they flow smoothly! Write as regularly as you can, experiment with different styles and tones and don’t be afraid to take creative risks. If you pay attention to what works and what doesn’t, your writing will improve as you learn from both.


9. Stay informed

Stay on the cutting edge of copywriting and marketing trends. Devour not just those copywriting manuals but also novels that could rival soap operas, newspapers with more drama than reality TV and blogs that are like your quirky aunt's endless stories.

Think about enrolling in a copywriting or proofreading course; it's like Hogwarts for word wizards. And always keep your eyes peeled for inspiration - it can sneak up on you anywhere. From an overheard conversation to the antics of that evil cat next door.

Consistency: your brand's trusty sidekick

Think of consistency in copywriting as the glue that holds a gingerbread house together – it keeps everything in place and makes it deliciously appealing. Its job is to ensure your brand's message stays reliable and keeps your audience coming back for more, knowing exactly what to expect.

So, in the world of words, being consistent isn't just a bonus; it's that essential element that makes your brand story memorable, engaging and that trusty sidekick to your creativity.

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Find a copy community - the best way to succeed is by gathering support.

The copywriter’s toolbox


Inspiration board

If you haven’t explored the delights of Pinterest, now could be the perfect time. Creating inspiration boards and filling them with all kinds of pins, just might be your new favourite past-time. You can collect images, ads, articles and any content that will light your creative spark when writer’s block hits.

But if you prefer a bit of old school, making a physical inspiration board with things that catch your eye can help you draw your ideas together and help you focus.

Brainstorming sessions

Two (or more) brains are better than one. Regular brainstorming sessions with helpful friends or family can lead to a goldmine of ideas.

Feedback loop

Treat constructive feedback like a surprise gift – unwrap it with a smile and see what hidden gems you can find inside to improve your work. It's like having a trustworthy friend in your writing journey, offering quirky tips and tricks.

Facing Challenges: The Journey of a Copywriter

Being a copywriter is like a rollercoaster ride, full of twists and turns, and the occasional challenge. But don't worry! If you embrace those challenges, you'll level up your writing skills in no time and soon be the wordsmith extraordinaire you've always dreamed of.

Joy Mellows

Joy Mellows is a professional content writer who loves nothing better than researching random topics and letting the words flow. She loves to proofread and can often be found correcting text messages. She is married with a 4-year-old son, a labrador and 2 very spoilt kittens.


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