Blog Writing Services Have to Start Somewhere!

The Benefits of Blog Content Writing

Blog content writing services not only write in a way that sells your business, but they also understand search engine optimisation techniques, enabling them to optimise the content for better visibility and organic traffic.

Outsourcing blog content writing saves businesses time and resources, allowing internal teams to focus on core activities while ensuring a consistent flow of valuable content that aligns with marketing goals. A professional blog writing agency, such as ourselves - forgive the shameless plug, holds talented writers who can write naturally to reach out to an audience and establish trust and credibility.

Blog Content Writing Services - How We Work

writing courses, online learning Joy Mellows writing courses, online learning Joy Mellows

Why you need an online writing course

A lot of online writing courses are taught by experienced writers and industry professionals who have tons of wisdom to share. They’ve been through the ups and downs of writing and know all the tricks of the trade.

They can help you overcome writer’s block, share insider secrets and give you feedback that’s worth its weight in gold. And learning from someone who’s been there and done that can be pretty inspiring.

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Top 10 Resources for Aspiring Copywriters

If you’re like me and love a bit (7 hours, give or take) of browsing on Amazon, then today is your lucky day. In a world where everything is at your fingertips, help to become a copywriter is no exception. Amazon has a pretty great selection of resources, both books and audiobooks, that can set you on the road to your chosen career.

So let’s have a look at 10 of the best resources for an aspiring copywriter (in my humble opinion!)

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8 Creative Ways to Jazz Up Your Blog and Increase Your Audience

Writing a blog that pops in the vast sea of the internet can feel like trying to be heard at a rock concert. It seems like there are millions of other voices out there, so how can yours be heard?

Whether you’re an old hand at writing content or are taking your first tentative steps into the blogging world, offering a fresh, engaging and entertaining blog is the main goal.

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From Good to Great: Writing Tips for Everyone

To start with, let's talk about your audience. Picture them, not in their underwear, but as actual humans with likes and dislikes. Understanding your audience is like decoding what your cat wants at 3 am – a bit of a mystery but not impossible.

Being aware of who you’re writing for will make what you write much more effective and engaging content. Scour through social media, sneak a peek at forum discussions, or conduct a good old-fashioned survey. You're not being nosy; you're being insightful.

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Beating Writer’s Block – Tools and Techniques

Ah, writer’s block – the dreaded nemesis of writers everywhere. You sit staring at your laptop screen or a blank page for the traditionalists among us, and your mind goes blank. After a few moments, the frustration and panic sets in. But never fear, I’ve battled this beast many times and have lived to tell the tale.

So, grab a cup of your favourite beverage, and let me share some tools and techniques that have saved my sanity more than once.

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Proofreading Essentials: Tools, Tips, and Techniques

Remember the good old days of proofreading? Scouring over pages with a red pen in hand, circling every mistake with triumphant zeal. Those were simpler times. But as we've catapulted into the tech era, proofreading has evolved too.

Now, we have digital tools at our fingertips – spellcheckers, grammar checkers and even AI-powered assistants. These technological marvels make proofreading less of a chore and more of a breeze.

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copywriting, writing tips, writing courses Joy Mellows copywriting, writing tips, writing courses Joy Mellows

Copywriting Challenges: Staying Creative and Consistent

In the world of copywriting, it’s important to find your inner wordsmith. That voice within you that can weave a spell of words, in order to communicate and connect with others.

When you create copy, you are tapping into your creativity, communication skills and understanding of your audience. And as it's about crafting messages that resonate, compel and engage, you need to hone your skills in making a connection.

So, to become a skilled copywriter, several key abilities and insights are pretty essential. Let’s have a look at them in more detail.

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