Should I Still Take a Copywriting Course If I Could Just Use AI?

Over the past few months, the advances in Artificial Intelligence have been shocking, and for many of us, actually quite worrying too.

If you’re like me, with a huge passion for writing, it’s only natural for you to be concerned about your future writing career and wonder if you should try to focus your energy elsewhere.

But, don’t give up hope. AI isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. After a little research, it’s clear that there’s still a home for us avid writers, we just need to learn to adapt our approach to work alongside AI. In some ways, it could even make our dream career more successful!

Good copywriting courses

Use AI to enhance your copy, not to create it

So, Are Copywriting Courses Still Important?

Yes! You should still consider taking a copywriting course even if you have access to AI tools for content generation. While AI can be a helpful tool for certain aspects of content writing, it cannot replace the skills, creativity, and expertise of a human copywriter.

A robot will never be able to replicate the understanding and emotional touch that you need to have to be a great copywriter and draw customers in to purchase a product that you know they need.

A good copywriting course can help you hone your skills and teach you to work alongside AI to present even better copywriting content for your clients.

Here Are Just Some of the Reasons Why Taking A Copywriting Course is Valuable

Understanding AI Limitations

Copywriting courses today are geared up to teach you the strengths and weaknesses of AI and how to use them to your advantage.

This means that you will learn how to use AI as a complementary tool to aid your writing, secure more clients and enhance your work.

Content marketing strategy

Create effective copy with AI as your ally

Developing Creativity & Originality

AI lacks creativity and usually the prompts used to create content will come up with lines that seem incredibly similar to each other.

This can mean that businesses who choose to use AI to generate their web content will end up with a website where every page feels the same.

A copywriting course can help you to use AI to structure your content and create amazing copy for your clients that is original and works with SEO guidelines to remove the danger of keyword cannibalisation.

Your writing course will also help you to open up your imagination and stretch the realms of writing so you can stand out from the crowd and attract the right types of customers.

Selecting Brand Voice & Tone

Copywriting courses focus on developing a brand's voice and tone, which are both essential for building a consistent and recognisable brand identity. AI-generated content may lack the ability to match a brand's personality and values accurately.

AI doesn’t understand humour, sarcasm or empathy, meaning that it can be incredibly difficult for it to create a tone of voice that really fits with a company’s values and matches their website.

You, on the other hand, understand how people’s minds work and you’re ready to reach right into their heads to make them laugh or cry and ensure they absolutely have to have the product that you’re selling. A copywriting course can teach you how to invoke those emotions in people using just the power of the written word.

AI for content creation

Get creative and don’t let AI take over

Emotional Connection

While AI can be incredibly useful, no one’s denying that, it isn’t what people dream of when they’re reading. People want to feel an emotional connection with the writer. They want to know that someone else out there understands their issue and can relate to them on a personal level.

Copywriting courses specialise in connecting with an audience and understanding their motivations so that businesses can convert more sales based on the personality that comes through in the words and not emotionless words produced by a robot.

Crafting Compelling Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

One of the most important parts of copywriting is your CTA. It tells your audience exactly what you want from them.

Copywriting courses teach you how to create compelling CTAs tailored to different contexts so you can direct your audience to make a purchase.

Specialised and Technical Content

Some industries require very specific technical information or fact checking in their copywriting. This gives potential customers a clearer picture of the product or service.

However, AI isn’t always 100% accurate and can make up facts just to make the writing feel more appealing or to fill space if you’ve asked for a specific word count. This can cause huge issues if the copy isn’t factually correct.

Human-generated content is much better at providing valuable content with specific facts and information as you, as a responsible copywriter, can check all the facts before you send the copy to your client.

copywriting for website

Adapt your writing to the changing environment

Adapting to Industry Trends

As with anything, copywriting methods change over time. Copywriting courses keep you updated with the latest industry trends, best practices, and changes in consumer behaviour and will take this into account based on recent research.

With AI, you can’t guarantee that the software that has written your copy is up to date and will work based on the audience at the time.

Content Strategy and Planning

Part of the copywriting process is to understand the intention of the copy you create and help it fit within a wider content strategy that will entice potential customers to make a purchase with a company.

While AI can physically write the content, that doesn’t mean that the content will be relevant or work within the overall content strategy that the client has in mind.

As a professional copywriter, you’ll be able to create a full strategy to help the business power forward towards success, rather than creating the standalone pieces that AI will generate - And a copywriting course can help you to understand how that works!

By taking a copywriting course, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the art and science of copywriting, enabling you to leverage AI tools effectively while adding your unique value as a skilled and creative copywriter This combination of human expertise and AI assistance can result in more powerful, engaging, and successful content that drives results for businesses and brands.


Can AI Help Copywriters?


Is AI the End for Content Writers?