Blog Writing Services Have to Start Somewhere!

The Benefits of Blog Content Writing

Blog content writing services not only write in a way that sells your business, but they also understand search engine optimisation techniques, enabling them to optimise the content for better visibility and organic traffic.

Outsourcing blog content writing saves businesses time and resources, allowing internal teams to focus on core activities while ensuring a consistent flow of valuable content that aligns with marketing goals. A professional blog writing agency, such as ourselves - forgive the shameless plug, holds talented writers who can write naturally to reach out to an audience and establish trust and credibility.

Blog Content Writing Services - How We Work

blogging, AI content strategy Joy Mellows blogging, AI content strategy Joy Mellows

How to Write a Great Chat GPT Prompt

If you’re one of those people who enjoy letting AI do some of your copywriting work, don’t feel bad. When used the right way, our technological overlords can be helpful in copywriting.

Take Chat GPT for example. It can be a great sidekick to your writing, blending creativity, efficiency and inspiring outlines when the creative side of your brain is buffering. As long as you remember that it can never replace human skill when it comes to writing, (or when it comes to making you a brew) and this online tool can be pretty effective.

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Why SEO is Important for Your Brand

This is where SEO works its magic. It optimises your website with the right keywords, tags and content, planting those signposts all over the internet and creating a clear path to what you’re selling.

Search engines do more than let you know where the nearest Chinese takeaway is, or the name of that actor that’s been driving you mad – they are the modern-day matchmakers, connecting significant queries with the most relevant results.

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How Can AI Help with My Content Writing Career?

It’s difficult to maintain productivity, stay updated with industry trends, optimise for search engines, and ensure error-free content all at the same time. Fortunately, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful ally for content writers, offering a range of tools and solutions to streamline their work processes and improve the overall quality of their content.

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Are AI Detectors a Scam? Separating Fact from Fiction

Let's be real – there's no shortage of online products promising to solve all your client’s writing woes. From AI-powered grammar checkers to style enhancers, they paint a picture of instant perfection. But that came be a huge problem for genuinely talented writers who could write way before AI came into play. 

AI has created a level playing field for people with less experience to catch up to those writers who have worked hard at their craft for years. AI detectors then come in and accuse you of not writing to an adequate standard. 

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AI content strategy, content writing tips Victoria Lyons AI content strategy, content writing tips Victoria Lyons

My AI Detector Brings Up False Positives

False positives are those instances where AI detectors, in their effort to be helpful, go a bit too far. They flag things that aren't really errors or misinterpret your creative choices as blunders. It's like having a well-intentioned friend who sees a rain cloud and insists you need an umbrella when your intention is to splash in the puddles.

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AI content strategy, copywriting, copy editing Victoria Lyons AI content strategy, copywriting, copy editing Victoria Lyons

AI Learned Habits from Writers. And Now AI Detectors Say My Writing is Robotic

Turns out, AI detectors are like strict English teachers – they're programmed to identify deviations from what's considered natural human language. They've got a checklist of dos and don'ts, and if your writing doesn't match up, it's labeled as “robotic.” 

But here's the catch: while they're great at spotting grammar gaffes, they might not always understand the nuances of creative expression. AI doesn’t always understand your audience, tone of voice or naturally human speech which might include humour or sarcasm. 

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Can AI Help Copywriters?

The introduction of numerous AI tools has been daunting for everyone. We’re all sitting here thinking our jobs are going to be taken over by robots. Well, the good news is, it’s really not as bad as it seems.

AI can actually be a valuable tool for copywriters. It offers various ways to streamline and enhance your working processes and can actually make your work sell better than it did before. We just need to learn to adapt and change our craft to fit with the new advances in technology.

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AI content strategy, copywriting Victoria Lyons AI content strategy, copywriting Victoria Lyons

Should I Still Take a Copywriting Course If I Could Just Use AI?

Yes! You should still consider taking a copywriting course even if you have access to AI tools for content generation. While AI can be a helpful tool for certain aspects of content writing, it cannot replace the skills, creativity, and expertise of a human copywriter.

A robot will never be able to replicate the understanding and emotional touch that you need to have to be a great copywriter and draw customers in to purchase a product that you know they need.

A good copywriting course can help you hone your skills and teach you to work alongside AI to present even better copywriting content for your clients.

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Is AI the End for Content Writers?

While AI might be able to write a long piece of copy selling the services of a funeral director, it doesn’t really understand why people might be searching online for that information.

That’s why human-generated content is far more appropriate in these kinds of situations. As an experienced content writer, you can take the right tone and use a ton of empathy, as you will be able to relate to their situation and know exactly what they need.

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AI content strategy, copywriting Joy Mellows AI content strategy, copywriting Joy Mellows

Will AI Replace Copywriters?

Put simply, it is content writing that is generated by a computer. This includes blog articles, landing pages, email marketing, product pages and social media posts. AI writing software can be designed to make marketing material. Writers provide a content generator with the information needed to generate original content to secure organic traffic through a blog post or ad copy. Sounds simple, right? Almost as if there is no need for human copywriters…

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