The Top 5 Resources to Level Up Your Writing Style

Have you ever wondered exactly what your writing style is? All good writers should spend time creating and cultivating their preferred way of writing. If you write fiction (or aspire to) it is essential to have a clear understanding of your own writing style. Do you enjoy brainstorming, or would you rather jump straight into the plot? Do you struggle with dialogue or is witty repertoire your thing? What about themes, tone, short story or novel? First or third person? The list (and possibilities) are endless as you broach a new story.

So how can you hone those skills and be ahead of the writing game?

learn to write

To learn to write well, you need to learn to read well.


Research, research, research

I have always believed that research is a writer’s greatest weapon. The more you know about your subject, the more relatable and authentic it will be for your reader. There’s no point devising a plot on minor league baseball if the extent of your knowledge starts and ends with ‘A League of Their Own.’ Or a thriller with a forensic scientist protagonist if you know nothing about forensics. Or science. Or thrillers.

So, work on developing your research skills. And then check your research. Not only will it give you confidence in your story but will provide the opportunity to develop characters and plot points that you hadn’t previously considered. Some writers enjoy facing the fear of a blank page. But when it comes to writing productively, it’s a better idea to set aside your spontaneous side and opt for a more organised approach. Having a planned structure makes it more likely that you will write with clarity, laying out a plot that makes sense. You are also decreasing the risk of forgetting important story points. It is all too easy to kill someone off in chapter 2, only to have them interrupt an argument in chapter 6.  


Practice makes perfect

Now you’ve researched your subject and know a lot more than you did at the start – it’s time to practice. The only way you can develop those writing skills, to really fine-tune and hone them, is to write. Practice your fiction writing on a daily basis. Write in any spare moments, read all you can and watch how you improve.

The holy grail of writing tips is a simple one. Read. Know your audience by knowing other authors. Whether you’re hoping to write a contemporary romance, a historical drama, a military thriller – or anything in between — discover other writers of the genre that you admire. Because their readers could become your readers.

coffee and a book

To know your audience, you have to become your audience.


5 good resources to help in your writing journey

Although writing can be a solitary occupation, the writing community can be an extremely supportive one. You will always find that more experienced authors are willing to share their wisdom and advice. Case in point: Just look at the thousands of books and audiobooks that are created to help new writers. is the perfect place to browse the online bookshelves of resources aimed at developing your skills and building your confidence as a writer.

Let’s have a look at 5 great resources to help you strengthen your literary skills.

1.      The Novel Writing Blueprint: a step-by-step novel planning workbook

By Dark Grove Press         


This workbook is a very appealing idea. When it comes to all those tentative ideas floating around inside our minds, who can honestly say they have the confidence to get straight down to writing their novel? Most writers will procrastinate, doubt themselves and stare at a blank page on a laptop until they’re convinced they’ve forgotten how to type. Unless you are a highly confident, highly experienced, highly arrogant type of writer, you will be able to benefit from the help The Novel Writing Blueprint can offer.

The workbook helps writers who are taking their first steps to create their novel by teasing out information and ideas in a non-intimidating way. From guiding you through brainstorming in part 1 to the in-depth method on how to prepare the story in part 2 – novice writers are able to follow the steps easily and create their manuscript before they know it.


2.      Blueprint for a Book: Build Your Novel from the Inside Out

By Jennie Nash

For anyone who has trouble plotting the outline of their stories, ‘Blueprint for a Book: Build Your Novel from the Inside Out’ is for you. This eBook teaches you how to build the foundation of your writing before plunging into the story.

Important elements of being a writer include understanding your own motivation as a writer, considering your reader’s expectations and making sure your story has a solid structure that will hold up. So, before you throw yourself into the more creative parts of your writing, this book will help you form a strong, clear foundation that gives your novel power. As well as blasting you with confidence in your ability to create fiction.

Also available in Kindle Edition.


3.      The Essential Guide to Writing a Novel: A Complete and Concise Manual for Fiction Writers: Second Edition

By James Thayer

A practical reference book on how to write a good, engaging novel. Who wouldn’t want this book? The Essential Guide is an inspiring and encouraging read as it lays out the techniques of great writers who have gone before you. John Grisham, Maeve Binchy, Charles Dickens, Tom Wolfe…find out what makes them tick as writers and specifically what makes their novels hard to put down.

Practical advice includes:

·        6 Traits necessary for a successful protagonist.

·        Creating dynamic settings that advance the story.

·        22 techniques that will make your character’s dialogue compelling.

·        Point of view made easy.

·        5 pace-makers and how to avoid them.

·        Constructing scenes to propel the reader to the next scene.

The perfect book for dipping into when you need some inspiration or guidance, fresh new writers can learn the foundations of solid writing. Meanwhile, more experienced writers are able to hone their skills in the classroom of the greats. Available in Kindle Edition.


4.      Save the Cat! Writes a Novel: The Last Book on Novel Writing You’ll Ever Need

By Jessica Brody

Paperback, Kindle and Audiobook

It’s all good stuff to know how to structure, your grammar, vocabulary, tone, all that type of thing. But have you forgotten something? Did you bring the story? Save the Cat! is a great way to help you write an appealing story that others will want to read and refuse to put down.

Available as paperback, eBook and audiobook, you can learn how to craft your story from 15 essential plot points (beats) needed for a successful novel. Part of the Save the Cat! story-structure series, it applies screenwriting skills to novel writing. With unique and quirky insights, you will be able to create an engaging and enjoyable novel for your readers.

Due to its original screenwriting inspiration, this book gets to the core of character development and how to draw readers in quickly. If you’re unsure on how to create authentic characters that others can relate to, this is the book for you. And the audiobook narrator has an engaging reading voice – so you aren’t likely to drift off when listening!


5.      Writing Fiction for Dummies

By Randy Ingermanson

Available in Kindle Edition.

If you’re the type of person (like me) who has a penchant for ‘…for dummies’ books, ‘Writing Fiction for Dummies’ will not disappoint. A comprehensive look at everything it takes to write a successful novel, it takes you from being a writer to an author.

An easy-to-understand guide, it shows step-by-step how to:

•             Plan strategically – learn your target market and the methods professional writers use to self-manage.

•             Write powerful fiction – create your story world with authentic characters and a strong, complex plot.

•             Self-edit your novel – Bring your characters to life and tweak your action and dialogue.

•             Getting published – finding an agent through a query letter, synopsis and proposal. Learn how to pitch your novel with confidence.


This book focuses on not just writing a novel, it wants to help you write a novel that will sell to a publisher. So, if you’re looking for a book that gives you basic writing tips, this probably isn’t the choice for you. But if you are brave enough to dream of not only writing a novel but publishing that novel as well – you will find this book right up your alley.

Level up your writing style today

So, what are you waiting for? If you’d like to strengthen your writing skills, where better to start, than with advice from published fiction writers. Take advantage of the huge number of resources out there, learn from the experts in their field and give your writing style a boost up!


Joy Mellows

Joy Mellows is a professional content writer who loves nothing better than researching random topics and letting the words flow. She loves to proofread and can often be found correcting text messages. She is married with a 4-year-old son, a labrador and 2 very spoilt kittens.


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