Finding the key to novel-writing success

Writing a novel is a dream for many but turning that dream into reality can be as challenging as getting a four-year-old to brush his teeth. Frustrating, emotional and messy. But obviously worth it.

Experienced writers will tell you that there really isn’t one key to success when writing your novel. It comes down to creativity, persistence, a stubborn attitude and plenty of caffeine. Oh, and possibly a huge dollop of luck.

It’s one of those journeys everyone talks about, filled with twists, turns and a fair amount of screaming at your laptop. But it can also be an adventure and if writing makes your heart sing, then it’s definitely something you should be embarking on.

So let’s take a look through a few helpful elements you can focus on when beginning your writing adventure.  

writing a book

Focus on your passions to make a compelling adventure for others.

1. Cultivate Your Passion

Passion is the fire that fuels your writing journey. It’s the spark that keeps you going when the going gets tough. Your passion for telling a story, whatever story you are creating, is the foundation on which you build your novel. So, ask yourself: What stories do you really want to tell? What themes or characters bounce around in your imagination? Let your passion guide you, and you’ll be surprised how excitement and enthusiasm will keep you on track.

Tip: Surround yourself with inspiration. Read widely, watch movies, look at art, (even if it confuses you). Let the world around you fuel the creative side of your brain. When you write from a place of passion, your enthusiasm will shine through, making your story irresistible to readers.


2. Set clear goals

As Disney says, a dream is a wish your heart makes. And although this may be true, it can also be said a dream is pretty useless unless you have a plan to go with it. (Although that may be less catchy to music). Don’t convince yourself that your can-do attitude and a little bit of magic pixie dust will turn you into a successful novelist.

That magic is needed but you also need clear, achievable goals like setting a daily word count target, outlining your plot or creating character profiles. Not the most glamorous parts of the novel-writing process, but probably the most important ones.

Tip: Use tools like journals, planners, or apps designed for writers. Tracking your progress is really important in keeping you motivated and encouraging on those days when you feel you’re not achieving anything beyond carpal tunnel. Celebrate small victories along the way—each word written, each chapter completed is a step closer to your goal.

how to write a book

Be consistent, write a certain number of words per day. As many or as few as you like, but this will give you a goal completion date.

3. Embrace the writing routine

Being consistent in your writing is essential. If you develop a regular routine, even if it’s just a few hundred words a day, those creative juices keep flowing and you can avoid the dreaded burnout. So, whether you’re a night owl or an early bird, find a time that works best for you and stick to it. That way, you’ll see progression and get the results you want in your writing.

Tip: Create a writing space that inspires you. It could be a cosy nook at home, a bustling café or even a quiet park. Make it a place where you feel comfortable and ready to dive into your world of words.


4. Master the art of outlining

Staring at a blank page can be a scary prospect. Many solid writers have fallen at the first hurdle. But what if you switch the hurdles around? Creating and developing a comprehensive outline can be a game-changer for your productivity. It can provide a roadmap, helping you navigate the terrain of your story and keep you from wandering aimlessly. Kind of like a sat nav for your story’s journey.

Tip: Experiment with different outlining techniques. Some writers swear by the traditional three-act structure, while others use the Snowflake Method or mind mapping. Find what works best for you and let it guide your writing process.


5. Dive into character development

Probably the most exciting part of novel -writing – creating your characters. They’re the heart of your novel, driving the plot, evoking emotions and making your story come alive. So, spend time fleshing out your characters. Give them depth, quirks and dreams. Let them grow and change throughout the story. When your readers care about your characters, they’ll be hooked.

Tip: Try character interviews or writing character backstories. Ask them questions about their fears, desires and secrets. The more you know your characters, the more authentic and engaging they will be on the page.


how to write a novel

Make sure you get feedback along the way. Send chapters to impartial parties.

6. Get feedback and revise

Writing is rewriting. Don’t be afraid to let others read your work and provide feedback. And don’t get annoyed if they have a few criticisms. Joining a writing group or sharing your manuscript with trusted friends or mentors can provide valuable insights. Constructive criticism is a gift that can help you see your story from a new perspective. Swallow your pride and listen to people you trust.

Tip: Be open to feedback, but also trust your instincts. It’s your story, and ultimately, you are the one who knows it best. Take the feedback that sticks with you and use it to refine your work. Revising your story is how it can really come to life.


7. Stay resilient and keep learning

When the going gets tough, the tough get writing. The road to novel writing success is rarely smooth. You’ll encounter obstacles, doubts, and days when the words just won’t flow. So, resilience is crucial. Keep pushing forward and remember, every writer faces setbacks. What sets successful writers apart is their ability to persevere.

An excellent way to strengthen your resilience is by enrolling in an online writing course. These courses are great as they offer structured learning, expert guidance and a supportive community of fellow writers. You will gain confidence in novel-writing and discover your writing strengths. The resources and writing exercises provided in these courses can introduce you to new techniques and perspectives, keeping your writing fresh and dynamic.

Not to mention, the feedback and encouragement you will get from tutors and fellow writers can help motivate you and overcome setbacks.   There’s nothing better than having a collective moan and groan with someone who understands writing challenges.

Tip: Keep learning and growing. Attend workshops, read writing books and stay connected with the writing community. The more you learn, the more tools you have to tackle challenges and improve your craft. An online writing course like the one from the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy, can be a powerful addition to your toolkit, providing the structured support and expert advice you need to keep moving forward on your writing journey.

writing as a hobby

Celebrate your milestones - your first chapter, your first word count goal, your first character introduction.

8. Celebrate your progress

Finally, don’t forget to celebrate those goals. Writing a novel is a huge achievement, and every step forward is worth celebrating. Whether it’s finishing a chapter, hitting a word count goal, or finally settling on your main character’s name, take a moment to acknowledge your work.

Tip: Treat yourself to something special piece of cake, a day out, or a new book. These small rewards keep your spirits (and sugar level!) high and remind you that you’re making progress, one word at a time.


The key to your success

Finding the key to novel writing success is a personal journey. It involves passion, planning, perseverance and a willingness to learn. By looking after your passion, staying resilient and celebrating your progress, you’ll unlock your full potential as a novelist!

Joy Mellows

Joy Mellows is a professional content writer who loves nothing better than researching random topics and letting the words flow. She loves to proofread and can often be found correcting text messages. She is married with a 4-year-old son, a labrador and 2 very spoilt kittens.


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