Why you need an online writing course

Ever felt the excitement of crafting the perfect sentence? The delight of watching your words dance across the screen? Writing is a magical skill that helps you communicate, create and even discover more about yourself. But, like any magic trick, it requires practice and a good mentor.

Enter the online writing course! Whether you dream of being the next J.K. Rowling, want to start a fabulous blog, or just hope to write better emails, an online writing course can be your new best friend. Let’s explore why you absolutely need one.

online writing course

Learning online means your time is your own.

Learn anytime, anywhere

One of the best things about online writing courses is the flexibility. Life can be a whirlwind with work, family and trying to squeeze in some “me time.” But with online courses, you can learn whenever and wherever you want. Early morning with a cup of coffee? Yep! Late at night in your pyjamas? Absolutely!

You can fit learning into your life without any stress.

From poetry to professional writing

Online writing courses are like a giant buffet of learning. Want to jump into the world of fiction? There’s a course for that. What about writing proposals or bids for business? Yep, there’s a course for that too. From creative writing and storytelling to technical writing and copywriting (check out the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy), there’s something for everyone. You can pick what excites you the most and become a pro in that area.

Learn from the pros

A lot of online writing courses are taught by experienced writers and industry professionals who have tons of wisdom to share. They’ve been through the ups and downs of writing and know all the tricks of the trade.

They can help you overcome writer’s block, share insider secrets and give you feedback that’s worth its weight in gold. And learning from someone who’s been there and done that can be pretty inspiring.

online writing course

You’ll be able to connect with like-minded people to share your wins and your issues.

Connect with fellow writers

As much as sitting in front of your laptop day after day can seem lonely at times, it doesn’t have to be. Online writing courses often come with forums and discussion boards where you can chat with other students. It’s like joining a cool writing club. One that encourages, inspires and commiserates when you get the dreaded writer’s block and forget how to string a sentence together.

Stay on track

One of the hardest parts of learning on your own is staying motivated. It can be difficult to keep on track with your writing goals when you’re only a few feet from your kettle, sofa and Netflix account.

Studying for an online writing course (have a look at Proofread Anywhere, for all you grammar nuts out there!)  will give you a structure with regular assignments, deadlines and feedback. This will keep you focused and committed to your writing goals as well as brushing up on your admin.  And don’t forget about that sense of accomplishment you’ll get, once you complete the course!  Your confidence will increase and you’ll have a new love for writing.

Tools and tips galore

Online writing courses come with a great treasure trove of resources. From video lectures and reading materials to writing exercises and templates, you’ll have everything you need at your fingertips. These resources are often put together by experts, making sure you get top-notch information. Having all these goodies in one place makes learning fun and easy.

remote writing course

Learning online will naturally boost all the skills you need to be a professional writer - you’ll learn without even realising it.

Boost your communication skills

Good writing isn’t just for authors and journalists. It’s important in all areas of life. Whether you’re writing a business proposal, sending an email, or posting on social media, clear and effective writing is key.

An online writing course can help you sharpen these skills and make you a better communicator. You’ll learn how to organise scatty thoughts, present ideas clearly and persuade your audience, which is handy in both your personal and professional life!

Express yourself

Writing is a wonderful way to express yourself. It lets you explore your thoughts, feelings and ideas. A short online writing course from the University of Oxford, for example, can help you tap into your creative potential and find your unique voice. You’ll learn new techniques, try out different styles and push the boundaries of your imagination. This creative journey can be incredibly fun and rewarding.

Learning without the hefty price tag

Traditional writing courses can be pricey, with tuition fees and commuting costs to your local college for example. Online writing courses are usually more affordable, offering high-quality education without breaking the bank.

Many platforms even offer free courses making writing education accessible to everyone and giving you an opportunity to try a different writing path. You can invest in your writing skills without worrying about your wallet.

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An online writing course will teach you different ways of sharing your talent. You’ll be able to reach brand new audiences and hone your skills.

 Diversify your writing

So in a nutshell, an online writing course is a fantastic way to improve your writing skills, get expert tips, and connect with a community as passionate about writing as you are. It’s flexible, diverse and full of resources to help you succeed. Whatever you’re interested in, there’s a course for you.  Join the world of online writing courses and start your writing adventure.

Joy Mellows

Joy Mellows is a professional content writer who loves nothing better than researching random topics and letting the words flow. She loves to proofread and can often be found correcting text messages. She is married with a 4-year-old son, a labrador and 2 very spoilt kittens.


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