Will AI Replace Copywriters?

There are three schools of public thought when it comes to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the creation of blog content or marketing copy.

Firstly, the Amazed. The people who are in awe at the advancement in technology and welcome every new invention and upgrade that's made to create high quality content. These people would happily replace themselves with a robot version in the online community if they could.

Then there are the Impressed. Those individuals who think artificial intelligence is an impressive achievement and will take advantage of AI if it helps them out in daily life with content creation or the publishing process. They're not too bothered about having a robot clone but quite like asking Siri where the nearest Mcdonald's is and can see the overall benefits for content ideas.

Lastly, we have the third type, the Worried. They are people who are very concerned about advancements in AI and the effects on their own blog or web pages. The ones that take Terminator so seriously that they panic every time Alexa replies, worried that the rise of the machines has begun and that the writing process is a thing of the past for a marketing team.  

Copywriters usually fall within the second group. AI can be a helpful assistant in writing professional content and many copywriters take advantage of writing software to publish content or research keywords. But you'll be glad to know that AI isn't an alternative to human copywriting. It compliments it to achieve better search engine results and secure potential customers.

What is Artificial Intelligence Copywriting

Remote working from anywhere at anytime


So, What is Artificial Intelligence Copywriting?

Put simply, it is content writing that is generated by a computer. This includes blog articles, landing pages, email marketing, product pages and social media posts. AI writing software can be designed to make marketing material. Writers provide a content generator with the information needed to generate original content to secure organic traffic through a blog post or ad copy. Sounds simple, right? Almost as if there is no need for human copywriters…

Does That Mean AI Copywriting Will Take Over?

The answer to that is a reassuring no! Human copywriters or content writers are essential as they create unique content. They understand how to write in a way for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) which in today's search engine-addicted world is invaluable.

Human copywriters are wired to appeal to emotions when content writing in order to sell products and services through their blogs and other written content. AI can't do that. Connection only happens through compelling copy from human content writers. So, although some bots have specific algorithms that allow them to generate content, they will never replace human content writers. No matter how good those algorithms are at scouring search engines for existing content.

Let's look at some of the many ways human copywriters clearly best Artificial Intelligence when producing content.

copywriting using AI

Working from home as a content creator

·       Creativity

AI is limited by the number of words it knows. And as it only knows a certain amount, everything can read and sound robotic and won'r come across as a personal blog. Being creative is a skill in which humans excel. With wide knowledge and a unique viewpoint, copywriters can be wise owls as they can include personal experience in their copy or blog posts. Not something an AI can do.

·       Empathy

Imagining Arnie in the Terminator films will give you a good idea of how much empathy AI can exude as an artificial content writer. Even though AI is excellent at automated clerical tasks, you can't program a robot to feel. Emotions are an extremely important element in content writing and all content writers aim to invoke a feeling in the reader. When it comes to copywriting, compelling writing is what draws the reader in and persuades them to buy a product or service. You can't automate that.

·       Style and tone

Human copywriters work to create a brand voice in their marketing pieces by focusing on building the right tone. Through word choice, web design, writing tones, syntax, style preferences and other media, they are able to write appealing content that suits a target audience.

AI has very little ability to understand how to do this. It can't communicate a brand's specific voice; no matter how clever the software is, it will always read slightly formally. A human content writer wins on style and tone every time.  

·       No fact-checking

An AI writer is a good assistant, but a slightly limited one. It will not check facts before putting them in the copy. You will always need to fact-check anything an AI has written. Especially as some AI tools and readers are similar to your mum, in that they believe that everything on the internet is true!

·       Affordability

Behind every piece of software is a scientist, developer and engineer. They work together to create, build, launch, manage and use. It is much simpler and more affordable to hire a copywriter and cut out the hassle. And you'll get a good content writer with the ability to form connections with your target audience. Job done.


However, don't write it off completely – AI writing tools can still be helpful…

-            It generates ideas quickly

AI can be a great help when you suffer from writer's block. Just use an AI tool as a content management system and you can get inspired by AI suggestions.

-            Assists with research

AI can be used to identify topics that are trending, in order to help with blog posts or articles.

-            Able to build content outlines

Taking the burden out of the blank page, AI can build an outline for copywriters. Simply give the AI tool a specific set of words and phrases to use in a blog post. Then using your unique voice, fill in the creative content.  

If you’re keen to understand how AI can help with your copywriting career, take a look at this fabulous little number!

AI copywriting

Take a copywriting course to hone your skills


A Copywriting Course Like No Other!

In order to create copy and stir the creative process, human copywriters or those creating content need to ask themselves certain questions. For example, what is the goal of this content? How do I want my audience to feel when they read it? How can I create a tone that suits a wide range of brands and stands out from other bloggers?

These questions (and plenty more) are a good place to start when beginning to write good SEO content. Copywriting and blogging are skills developed through a love of words and an awareness of how to connect with others through those words.  

You don't need a degree or years of experience to break into copywriting or SEO blogging. But you do need to love to write. So, if you want to develop your copywriting skills and join the movement of human copywriters, then look no further!

Give yourself an advantage in the copywriting industry by completing the Comprehensive Copywriting Course (CCA) for new and aspiring copywriters. Guiding you through all elements of the copywriting journey, this course will teach you everything you need to know before you publish.

And they don't just leave you to it. The helpful team behind the Filthy Rich Writers project will help you find and secure clients for your copywriting career, whether you want to go in freelance blogging or create a strong application for permanent copywriting jobs.

If you'd like to find out more about the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy, sign up for the free copywriting training video for a taster session. Hone and develop your skills and help keep human copywriting on top.   


Joy Mellows

Joy Mellows is a professional content writer who loves nothing better than researching random topics and letting the words flow. She loves to proofread and can often be found correcting text messages. She is married with a 4-year-old son, a labrador and 2 very spoilt kittens.


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