5 Writing Tips to Kickstart Your Copywriting Career

A copywriter can be defined as ‘a writer with intention.' All the best writers have intent. Otherwise, you're just someone with a blank screen on your laptop. Intent is the attitude that you will focus on something until it happens.

You have made a decision and you will see it come to fruition. Intent gives you purpose and leads to action, with a determination to see it through.

All excellent qualities in a great copywriter. So, if you love the written word and want some writing tips to boost your skills, then this article is for you. You are just the type of person the copywriting world needs.

new copywriting tips

Planning and redrafting your copy

Getting started on your copywriting journey


A quick Google search shows that over 70% of copy online is written by copywriters. That means there are billions of pieces of copy that you could be involved in writing, there's plenty to go around.

You don't need to dismiss the idea of a copywriting career as a pipe dream. It is a perfectly solid goal to work towards. And as every copywriter has a unique voice, there is a place for you. Especially if you are prepared to do a little door-kicking to become a successful writer.

1.              Get inspired by professional writers with excellent writing tips


When you're starting out on your copywriting journey, it's unlikely that you are au fait with the names of professional copywriters. No problem, start developing invaluable research skills and read widely on Google.

Brain Clark

Starting with the founder of Copyblogger, Brian Clark. He talks about the importance of building an audience and listening ‘very, very' carefully to them. Having a specific headline is the key, Brian believes, to connecting and building your audience around your words.

He gave the most inspiring advice any copywriter could get: “Write more. Write even more. Write even more than that. Write when you don't want to. Write when you do. Write when you have something to say. Write when you don't. Write every day. Keep writing.”

Lorrie Morgan

Experienced journalist Lorrie Morgan is one of the leading authorities in copywriting. Her background in journalism strengthens her writing and makes her a great example for aspiring marketers or content creators. Her top tip is – never think that your copy is finished after one draft. Remember the importance of tweaking and editing your sentence structure.

James Woodburn

James Woodburn is a great copywriter to look up when you are needing inspiration on…research. Writing is a very emotional process for him; he does a lot of deep research on topics before he even starts writing.

Finding out about top copywriters in the industry can inspire and encourage you as you find your writing voice.

successful copywriters

Remote copywriting - learn to write in your ideal space

2.              Research, research, research


What's that old saying? Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. And it has never been truer when it comes to copywriting. It is hard to write comprehensive and persuasive copy without first having done your research. So, make Google your best friend.

We are fortunate to live in a world that has billions of pieces of information at our fingertips. Unless you live in a cave, there is little excuse for not having access to the internet. From academic studies and e-commerce sites to celebrity gossip and cat videos – whatever you're looking for, search engines can provide.

Copy and content creators need to learn solid research skills and be able to recognise factual vs fake information. It is very important that your copy is full of correct and trustworthy content. The best way to do this is to research and check carefully before publishing.


3.              Develop your writing process with an online copywriting course


If you'd like to get some experience in copywriting through a more structured path, why not consider an online copywriting course? Making you part of a copywriting community, you will learn everything you need to write confidently and with purpose.

And if you want some advice on how to find clients and start working as a copywriter, The Comprehensive Copywriting Course is a great choice. Helping you learn your readers' language; you can write in a way that speaks directly to them. And there are no worries about going it alone, as the helps you find clients and take your next step.


beginner writing course

relaxed and stress-free copywriting in your own home

4.              Build your portfolio


Even if you aren't working for real clients yet, nothing is stopping you from giving yourself made-up briefs and writing creative copy. Being inventive with your briefs will give you the freedom to write how you want.

Having a portfolio of work that can showcase who you are as a copywriter is invaluable. Make sure that you have differing types of work in there. Put in examples of articles, blogs, social media posts, newsletters, etc. Highlight your unique voice.

5.              Put yourself out there - copywriting careers begin with action


It can be daunting starting a new career but be encouraged that thousands of people have done it before you. And would recommend it! Build your confidence by writing for others, especially if you haven't done it before.

Try starting a blog or newsletter so you can improve your writing and display your hard work. This will help you learn what type of writing style you enjoy. Begin writing for different audiences and learn how to tailor your creative writing to fit varying briefs.

Find reputable copywriting companies by researching articles and blogs that interest you. Discover an author that you admire and search online for companies they are affiliated with.

Here you'll hopefully pull up some writing tips and can offer your services as a freelance beginner or even for free, to gain content marketing experience and add to your portfolio.


Copywriting research

Learning to become a professional copywriter from home

The Comprehensive Copywriting Academy has you covered!


Much like Liam Neeson, you need a particular set of writing skills for copywriting. Engaging your readers, understanding writing styles and creating persuasive copy are essential if you want to be an effective copywriter.

The Comprehensive Copywriting Academy provides a professional copywriting course that helps learners to build their career and connect with publishers. Through online training, you can work at your own pace and learn how to write copy, build a portfolio, pull in some of the most common writing tips and find clients who appreciate good writing.

All within a supportive environment with personal help and ideas from a copywriting professional. You are also able to join the students-only community and share your copywriting beginnings with others who are on the same journey as you.

Joy Mellows

Joy Mellows is a professional content writer who loves nothing better than researching random topics and letting the words flow. She loves to proofread and can often be found correcting text messages. She is married with a 4-year-old son, a labrador and 2 very spoilt kittens.


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