Blog Writing Services Have to Start Somewhere!

The Benefits of Blog Content Writing

Blog content writing services not only write in a way that sells your business, but they also understand search engine optimisation techniques, enabling them to optimise the content for better visibility and organic traffic.

Outsourcing blog content writing saves businesses time and resources, allowing internal teams to focus on core activities while ensuring a consistent flow of valuable content that aligns with marketing goals. A professional blog writing agency, such as ourselves - forgive the shameless plug, holds talented writers who can write naturally to reach out to an audience and establish trust and credibility.

Blog Content Writing Services - How We Work

Thinking of becoming a freelance proofreader? Read on…

First things first, you need to fall deeply, madly in love with grammar. This isn't a fling; it's the kind of love that songs and sonnets are written about.

Reacquaint yourself with the Oxford English Dictionary and cosy up with the Chicago Manual of Style, and any other style guide you fancy. The more knowledgeable you are about all elements of proofreading, the smoother it will be to become a freelancer in the industry.

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5 Common Editing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Whether you're a whiz at copywriting, a proofreading pro, or just someone who likes to tidy up your own work, editing is your trusty sidekick. It transforms your rough drafts into polished gems, making sure your message shines through, clear and captivating. But, even the best editors can trip over a few sneaky mistakes.

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content editing, copy editing Joy Mellows content editing, copy editing Joy Mellows

Edit Like an Expert – Elevate Your Writing with Professional Techniques

The life of a copywriter isn’t all about crafting snazzy headlines and persuasive copy. Sometimes, you've got to roll up your sleeves and explore the world of editing. But you don't need a red pen-wielding editor lurking over your shoulder to make your writing sparkle.

With some professional techniques, you can edit like an expert and elevate your writing to the next level. Let's break down some tricks of the editing trade.

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What's the Difference Between Proofreading and Editing?

Do you ever get confused in the world of writing, wondering over the difference between proofreading and editing? You're not alone! It's like trying to pick between a red apple and a green one - they seem similar, but each has its unique flavour.

Proofreading is your last check for typos and small mistakes, ensuring everything's tidy and neat. Editing, on the other hand, is about diving deep into your text, tweaking and reshaping it for better flow and clarity. Let's untangle these two and discover how they each play a vital role in turning your writing from good to great!

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Are AI Detectors a Scam? Separating Fact from Fiction

Let's be real – there's no shortage of online products promising to solve all your client’s writing woes. From AI-powered grammar checkers to style enhancers, they paint a picture of instant perfection. But that came be a huge problem for genuinely talented writers who could write way before AI came into play. 

AI has created a level playing field for people with less experience to catch up to those writers who have worked hard at their craft for years. AI detectors then come in and accuse you of not writing to an adequate standard. 

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content editing, content writing tips Joy Mellows content editing, content writing tips Joy Mellows

5 Writing Tips to Kickstart Your Copywriting Career

A quick Google search shows that over 70% of copy online is written by copywriters. That means there are billions of pieces of copy that you could be involved in writing, there’s plenty to go around.

So, you don’t need to dismiss the idea of a copywriting career as a pipe dream. It is a perfectly solid career to work towards. And as every copywriter has a unique voice, there is a place for you. Especially if you are prepared to do a little door-kicking to get your unique voice heard.

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