Blog Writing Services Have to Start Somewhere!

The Benefits of Blog Content Writing

Blog content writing services not only write in a way that sells your business, but they also understand search engine optimisation techniques, enabling them to optimise the content for better visibility and organic traffic.

Outsourcing blog content writing saves businesses time and resources, allowing internal teams to focus on core activities while ensuring a consistent flow of valuable content that aligns with marketing goals. A professional blog writing agency, such as ourselves - forgive the shameless plug, holds talented writers who can write naturally to reach out to an audience and establish trust and credibility.

Blog Content Writing Services - How We Work

copywriting, remote learning Joy Mellows copywriting, remote learning Joy Mellows

Online Copywriting Courses – 5 Reasons Why They’re Exactly What You Need

The best thing about online courses? You can learn in your PJs, sprawled on the couch with a cup of coffee in hand. With no need to dress up or commute, you’ll be as comfortable as you like, and without having to sit in traffic.

Whether you're an early bird who gets the worm at dawn or a night owl who finds creativity in the moonlight, online courses fit into your schedule. The great thing about them is that you set the pace, meaning you can binge-learn all day or take it slow with a study session here and there.

Studying on your schedule can also boost your confidence because you won't get stressed by deadlines, meaning this style of learning is likely to be much more enjoyable.

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copywriting, remote learning Victoria Lyons copywriting, remote learning Victoria Lyons

How Soon After Training Can Copywriters Make Money?

For aspiring copywriters, the promise of a creative and potentially lucrative career is incredibly enticing. However, one question that looms large in the minds of those just starting out is, "How soon after training can copywriters make money?" 

While copywriting can be a rewarding profession, it's essential to understand the factors that influence your earning potential and the journey from training to a sustainable income, especially if you intend to go freelance.

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remote learning, writing tips Victoria Lyons remote learning, writing tips Victoria Lyons

Book Learning vs. Online Learning

In this fast-paced digital age, where information is just a click away, the way we learn has transformed dramatically. Gone are the days when learning was confined to the pages of textbooks and the echoing lectures of teachers. 

Today, we find ourselves at a crossroads - torn between the traditional charm of book learning and the convenience of online learning.

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Is AI the End for Content Writers?

While AI might be able to write a long piece of copy selling the services of a funeral director, it doesn’t really understand why people might be searching online for that information.

That’s why human-generated content is far more appropriate in these kinds of situations. As an experienced content writer, you can take the right tone and use a ton of empathy, as you will be able to relate to their situation and know exactly what they need.

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The Best Resources to Learn Copywriting as a Beginner

The thing that delights me about copywriting is that it is literally everywhere.

The whole world is filled with the need for great copy. Those persuasive, well-chosen words that connect with a reader and make them feel something enough to purchase a product, service or idea.

Whether in an online advertisement, article, blog, social media post, email, or brochure…there will always be billions of words just waiting to be written. And that’s when I decided that I wanted to be one of the people that got to write them.

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remote learning Victoria Lyons remote learning Victoria Lyons

The Benefits of Remote Learning Through Fiverr Learn

One of the greatest benefits of Fiverr Learn is that you can learn at the exact pace that suits you. Once purchased, their courses are yours to view anytime and anywhere. If you are juggling different responsibilities such as parenting or full-time work, then you may not have time to sit and participate in a course in one sitting.

Fiverr Learn allows you to watch your desired course all at once, or in sections. If you only have 15 minutes in your day to dedicate to learning a new skill, then you can do just that.

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remote learning Victoria Lyons remote learning Victoria Lyons

Why Remote Learning is Our Future

Who would have thought that sitting in our pyjamas while attending classes or lectures would become a thing? Thanks to the wonders of remote learning, we can now say goodbye to those early morning alarms and hello to education on our own terms.

And it seems that remote learning isn’t just a temporary solution. It's the future of education. So, buckle up, relax, and let's dive into this exciting world of virtual classrooms.

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remote learning, content writing tips Victoria Lyons remote learning, content writing tips Victoria Lyons

Turning a Hobby into Professional Writing

As a child, you are thrown book after book by family and school in an attempt to develop your communication skills, and they never really click. The words on the page are an fleeting memory, long lost to the wind and replaced with the excitement of play-time and the disdain for maths lessons. I definitely was not different from the crowd. I enjoyed reading as much as the next kid, but I wouldn't say I was in love with it.

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remote learning, copywriting Joy Mellows remote learning, copywriting Joy Mellows

Are Online Copywriting Courses Worth it?

So, you want to be a copywriter? Taking an online course can be a great investment in your career. Especially if you aren’t sure where to start and need a boost of self-confidence. Personally, course brochures and prospectuses are my weakness. I’m drawn to them like a moth to a flame. Or an over-eager student to an essay question.

This type of learning works for me. I work well solo and enjoy self-paced learning. Watching tutorials and being part of an online student community suits me well and having a dedicated tutor has been a massive benefit. I’ve completed a few distance learning courses and thoroughly enjoyed each of them because of these reasons.

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remote learning, copywriting Joy Mellows remote learning, copywriting Joy Mellows

How do I get my first freelance copywriting job?

Every aspiring copywriter arrives at the moment when they need to take the plunge. When it’s time to put yourself out there and begin your freelance career. It’s probably something you’ve dreamed about for a long time, googled more times than you want to admit and are more than a little bit nervous about starting.

However, don’t worry as you’re not alone. Many have gone before you and if they can do it, so can you! So, how do you find that first elusive copywriting job?

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copywriting, remote learning Joy Mellows copywriting, remote learning Joy Mellows

How to Become A Copywriter with No Experience

A copywriter is someone who persuades a target audience to engage with a product or service. They sell with their words. It is essential that a copywriter can be engaging, persuasive and knowledgeable about what appeals to customers. They need to have their finger on the pulse of current and upcoming trends, as well as ensure that a brand gets noticed.

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What is the Best and Fastest Way to Learn Copywriting as a Complete Beginner?

Copywriting is a useful skill to have, whether you are intending to embark on a career as a freelance copywriter or wish to use it to promote your own business or company’s products.

Basically, copywriting is a form of advertising intended to drive a potential customer to take action – either to buy a product or service or to follow through on their interest by visiting a website or signing up for a newsletter or blog.

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copywriting, remote learning Victoria Lyons copywriting, remote learning Victoria Lyons

What are the Best Resources for Learning Copywriting?

Try writing some copy for products you have seen or use yourself and pass it to someone else for their impression of your work. Make sure they give you honest feedback. It won’t do your learning progress any good if they shy away from hurting your feelings.

Remember that the whole purpose of copywriting is to get the reader to take action. Would it motivate your reader to want to find out more, or to buy the product?

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